What is this?

While Binary Personality began as my personal journey to understand Jung's theories of analytical psychology, my dream is that it would flourish into a community which seeks to come to an objective understanding of Jung's theories. This site serves as a holding place for various models I have developed over time as well as a contact point for a community of likeminded individuals.


Function Differentiation

The SPACES project is my attempt to define Jung's terms from Psychological Types using a conceptual model. If you are familiar with MBTI, you will find a slight difference to the terminology you may be used to. The four spaces are Jung's four functions. Each function is made up of three parts, a function action, a type of material acted upon or interacted with, and a material which is produced from the action. The Spaces model is helpful to see how function actions and materials change and move in our psyche every second. Once this is understood, habitual motivations can then be measured and a type can be determined. Noticeably, the attitude function movements (extroverted and introverted) are absent from this model. I intend to build a separate model to determine conscious attitude, in the future.


Conscious Type Stamps

Jungian Type Stamps (MBTI "type labels") flow top-down from Consciousness to Unconsciousness. While MBTI defines 4 levels of consciousness in the MBTI "function stack", Jung can accurately be interpreted to teach both that consciousness is a gradient blended spectrum ranging from consciousness to unconsciousness; while yet 5 or 6 different levels so to speak can be interpreted from Jung's writings. (Please see the model for clarity.) The possible levels of consciousness are as follows Primary Overdeveloped, Secondary Developed, General Undeveloped, Secondary Underdeveloped, Inferior Underdeveloped. PO is the most conscious function while IU is the least conscious. A secondary conscious function is also defined by Jung which I call SD and likewise a secondary unconscious support I call SU . The General Undeveloped functions exist in a space between those. In MBTI the dominant function is the oposite attitude to the auxiliary function while Jung teaches that the whole conscious attitude of a person is the opposite to the unconscious attitude. So while MBTI teaches that an ENFP is dominant Ne and auxiliary Fi , Jung teachs that an EFN is dominant Ne and secondary Fe since the whole consciousness would be Extroverted.


The YouTube Channel

I have tried to explain these models on my YouTube channel. I am also developing an interactive personality test there.


Help Us Reach Our Goals

My dream for this community involves people who are interested in this topic partnering with us or with the goals you would like to see us reach. My dream is that this would be a page which outlines our goals in a list of priority which is set by the community. I am also hoping to add methods of monetization here so that support can be directed to the priorities which are most important to the community such as continuing development of the free online interactive test and various other projects.


Who is Behind This?

If you would like more information about my story and background, check out this page.


Have Questions / Comments

The only way to contact me directly for now is in Discord. You can join the Discord group for free, join the conversations and send me a private message. Looking forward to hearing from you.