Interactive Test

My interactive test on my YouTube channel is in process.

I am doing testing with family friends and community members in order to establish a more objective method. All of this is done in my drips of free time outside of family life and full time work as a public school teacher. My dream is to connect this milestones page with a crowd funding service and gain enough funding to survive with a part time job.

Slack Group Testing

I am continuing testing with community members in the Slack Group. The test is not complete so it is being done it bits and peices at a time.

Milestones Funding

My dream for the milestones section is for this to be a list of goals I have for where I want to take my research into Jung's analytical psychology.

In the future I hope to develop a system for accepting funding for individual projects and move them up the list based on community needs.

2022/03 Website

A community member mentioned that they wanted to see a website where I should sort of house concise definitional materials. I also needed a place to deploy the models that I had been creating and make them freely available.

The result is this site which is a continuing work in progress.

2022/03 Diagnosis Model

A community member wanted more definitional materials from me. I decided to make another model which would define the types of conscious type stamps.

I quickly developed this at the end of March and posted a video early April. Will you accept...

2022/02 Spaces Model

I needed a way to show how Jung's functions are separated into 3 parts, an action, a consumed material and a produced material.

I was told by a memeber of the community that I needed more visual aids which inspired me to make these models in the first place.

In actuality, this project actually started when a member in a Discord community asked me to type them and it inspired my research into the question of what it means that thinkers think sensations instead of sensing them.

This became a video on my YouTube channel. What do you know...