image/svg+xml PHENOMENAL SENSATIONS: Our sensations can reach our sense perception in the phenomenal world without any translation and our unconscious can also produce sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell for us. Phenomenal Sensations are object and experience sensations which are perceived in the phenomenal world unconsciously due to the need our sense perception has to perceive objects and experience carnally. When conscious motivation to perceive object and experience carnally overtakes the motivation to perceive it conceptually, this is a small bit of evidence that sensing is more developed than intuiting. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. CONCRETE SENSATIONS: ・Sensations are always raw in abstract form or reduced to noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A concrete sensation is a sensation which has been preseved in phenomenal form. ・If the phenomenal form of sensation becomes more developed than the noumenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for sensing being more developed than intuiting. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". CONCRETE FEELINGS: ・Feelings are always being reduced to either phenomenal or noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A concrete feeling is a feeling which has been reduced to mere phenomenal form. ・If the phenomenal form of feeling becomes more developed than the noumenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for sensing being more developed than intuition. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOO". PHENOMENAL FEELINGS: For feelings to reach our sense perception, they must be translated into phenomenal world material such as tangible object or experience. Our unconscious cannot produce art/music/entertainment/food for us. This need results in Phenomenal Feelings which are carnal impulses, desires and emotional expression. When conscious motivation to perceive feelings carnally overtakes the motivation to perceive them conceptually, this is a small bit of evidence that sensation is more developed than intuition. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. INTECORAL SENSATIONS: For sensations to reach our feeling, they must be translated into intecoral material such as issues and concerns which our unconcscious can produce. This need results in Intecoral Sensations which are phenomenal topics of concern and perceptions which aid assessment. When conscious motivation to perceive phenomenal objects and experience intecorally overtakes the motivation to perceive them mentally, this is a small bit of evidence that feeling is more developed than thinking. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. SENTIMENTAL SENSATIONS: ・Sensations are always being reduced to either intellectual or intecoral form so that our opinions can reach them. ・A sentimental sensation is a sensation which has been reduced to mere intecoral form. ・If the intecoral form of sensation becomes more developed than the intellectual form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for feeling being more developed than thinking. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOO". SENTIMENTAL FEELINGS: Feelings are always raw in abstract form or reduced to intellectual form so that our opinions can reach them. A sentimental feeling is a feeling which has been preseved in an intecoral form. If the intecoral form of feeling becomes more developed than the intellectual form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for feeling being more developed than thinking. Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". INTECORAL FEELINGS: Our feelings can reach our assessing in the heart without any translation and our unconscious can also produce verdicts for us. Intecoral Feelings are judgments, assessments, verdicts, prefrences, and values which feeling organizes in the heart space unconsciously due to the need our heart has to perceive feelings intecorally. When conscious motivation to perceive feelings intecorally overtakes the motivation to perceive them mentally, this is a small bit of evidence that feeling is more developed than thinking. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. CONCRETE THOUGHTS: Thoughts are always being reduced to either phenomenal or noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A concrete thought is a thought which has been reduced to mere phenomenal form. ・If the phenomenal form of thought becomes more developed than the noumenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for sensing being more developed than intuition. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "materialistic thinking". PHENOMENAL THOUGHTS: For thoughts to reach our sense perception, they must be translated into phenomenal world material such as an object or experience. Our unconscious cannot produce a physical model or symbol for us. This need results in Phenomenal Thoughts which are kinesthetic / visomotor adept object skill . When conscious motivation to perceive knowledge carnally overtakes the motivation to perceive it conceptually, this is a small bit of evidence that sensing is more developed than intuiting. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. CONCRETE INTUITIONS: Intuitions are always raw in abstract form or reduced to noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. A concrete intuition is an intuition which has been reduced to mere phenomenal form. If the phenomenal form of intuition becomes more developed than the noumenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for sensing being more developed than intuiting. Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". PHENOMENAL INTUITIONS: For intuitions to reach our sense perception, they must be translated into phenomenal world material such as an object or experience. Our unconscious cannot manifest a physical object or experience for us from a conceptual image. This need results in Phenomenal Intuitions which are the resulting gut instincts / carnal premonitions and curiosities. When conscious motivation to perceive noumenal scenarios carnally overtakes the motivation to perceive them conceptually, this is a small bit of evidence that sensing is more developed than intuiting. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. INTECORAL THOUGHTS: For thoughts to reach our feeling, they must be translated into intecoral material such as issues and concerns which our unconcscious can produce. This need results in Intecoral Thoughts which are ethical/moral and psychological aspect of knowledge & ideas. When conscious motivation to perceive knowledge intecorally overtakes the motivation to perceive it mentally, this is a small bit of evidence that feeling is more developed than thinking. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. SENTIMENTAL THOUGHTS: ・Thoughts are always raw in abstract form or reduced to an intecoral form so that our opinions can reach them. ・A sentimental thought is a thought which has been reduced to mere intecoral form. ・If the intecoral form of thought becomes more developed than the intellectual form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for feeling being more developed than thinking. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". INTECORAL INTUITIONS: For intuitions to reach our feeling, they must be translated into intecoral material such as issues and concerns which our unconcscious can produce. This need results in Intecoral iNtuitions which are conceptual topics of concern and perceptions which aid assessment. Which looks something like hopes and worries. When conscious motivation to perceive intuitions intecorally overtakes the motivation to perceive them mentally, this is a small bit of evidence that feeling is more developed than thinking. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. SENTIMENTAL INTUITIONS: Intuitions are always being reduced to either intellectual or intecoral form so that our opinions can reach them. A sentimental intuitions is an intuition which has been reduced to mere intecoral form. If the intecoral form of intuition becomes more developed than the intellectual form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for feeling being more developed than thinking. Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOO". ACADEMIC SENSATIONS: ・Sensations are always being reduced to either intellectual or intecoral form so that our opinions can reach them. ・An academic sensation is a sensation which has been reduced to mere intellectual form. ・If the intellectual form of sensation becomes more developed than the intecoral form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for thinking being more developed than feeling. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOO". CATALOGUED SENSATIONS: For sensations to reach our intellect, they must be translated into mental material such as knowledge and information which our unconcscious can produce. This need results in Cataloged Sensations which are intellectually categorized tangible object and experience information such as measurements. When conscious motivation to perceive object and experience mentally overtakes the motivation to perceive them intecorally, this is a small bit of evidence that thinking is more developed than feeling. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. ACADEMIC FEELINGS: ・Feelings are always raw in abstract form or reduced to intellectual form so that our opinions can reach them. ・An academic feeling is a feeling which has been reduced to mere intellectual form. ・If the intellectual form of feeling becomes more developed than the intecoral form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for thinking being more developed than feeling. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". CATALOGUED FEELINGS: For feelings to reach our intellect, they must be translated into mental material such as knowledge and information which our unconcscious can produce. This need results in Cataloged Feelings which are intellectually categorized preferences and values such as intellectual analysis of what is felt. When conscious motivation to perceive feelings mentally overtakes the motivation to perceive them intecorally, this is a small bit of evidence that thinking is more developed than feeling. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. NOUMENAL SENSATIONS: For sensations to reach our conceptual perception, they must be translated into noumenal world material such as a conceptual object or experience. Our unconscious can produce a noumenal representations such as imagined scenario for us. This need results in Noumenal Sensations which are conceptual visions and scenarios which represent phenomenal objects and experiences . When conscious motivation to perceive object and experience conceptually overtakes the motivation to perceive them carnally, this is a small bit of evidence that intuiting is more developed than sensing. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. TRANSCENDENT SENSATIONS: ・Sensations are always raw in abstract form or reduced to noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A transcendent sensation is a sensation which has been reduced to mere noumenal form. ・If the noumenal form of sensation becomes more developed than the phenomenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for intuiting being more developed than sensing. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". NOUMENAL FEELINGS: For feelings to reach our conceptual perception, they must be converted into noumenal world material such as a conceptual object or experience. Our unconscious can produce noumenal aesthetic media for us. This need results in Noumenal Feelings which are conceptual aesthetic media such as music, food, imagery etc. which represent feelings. When conscious motivation to perceive feelings conceptually overtakes the motivation to perceive them carnally, this is a small bit of evidence that intuiting is more developed than sensing. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. TRANSCENDENT FEELINGS: ・Feelings are always being reduced to either phenomenal or noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A transcendent feeling is a feeling which has been reduced to mere noumenal form. ・If the noumenal form of feeling becomes more developed than the phenomenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for intuition being more developed than sensing. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". CATALOGUED THOUGHTS: Our thoughts can reach our intellect in the mind without any translation and our unconscious can also produce thoughts for us. Cataloged Thoughts are knowledge and information which thinking organizes in the mind space unconsciously due to the need our intellect has to perceive thoughts mentally. When conscious motivation to perceive knowledge mentally overtakes the motivation to perceive it intecorally, this is a small bit of evidence that thinking is more developed than feeling. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. ACADEMIC THOUGHTS: Thoughts are always raw in abstract form or reduced to an intecoral form so that our opinions can reach them. An academic thought is a thought which has been preseved in intellectual form. If the intellectual form of thought becomes more developed than the intecoral form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for thinking being more developed than feeling. Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". ACADEMIC INTUITIONS: ・Intuitions are always being reduced to either intellectual or intecoral form so that our opinions can reach them. ・An academic intuition is an intuition which has been reduced to mere intellectual form. ・If the intellectual form of intuition becomes more developed than the intecoral form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for thinking being more developed than feeling. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOO". CATALOGUED INTUITIONS: For intuitions to reach our intellect, they must be translated into mental material such as knowledge and information which our unconcscious can produce. This need results in Cataloged iNtuitions which are intellectually categorized conceptual scenario information. When conscious motivation to perceive imagined scenarios intellectually overtakes the motivation to perceive them conceptually(in imagery), this is a small bit of evidence that thinking is more developed than intuiting. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. NOUMENAL THOUGHTS: For thoughts to reach our conceptual perception, they must be translated into noumenal world material such as a conceptual object or experience. Our unconscious can produce a noumenal model for us. This need results in Noumenal Thoughts which are conceptual models or symbols which represent thoughts . When conscious motivation to perceive knowledge conceptually overtakes the motivation to perceive it carnally, this is a small bit of evidence that intuiting is more developed than sensing. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. TRANSCENDENT THOUGHTS: ・Thoughts are always being reduced to either phenomenal or noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A transcendent thought is a thought which has been reduced to mere noumenal form. ・If the noumenal form of thought becomes more developed than the phenomenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for intuition being more developed than sensing. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "theosophical thinking". TRANSCENDENT INTUITIONS: ・Intuitions are always raw in abstract form or reduced to noumenal form so that our perception can reach them. ・A transcendent intuition is an intuition which has been preseved in noumenal form. ・If the noumenal form of intuition becomes more developed than the phenomenal form, this is a tiny factor of evidence for intuiting being more developed than sensing. ・Jung's example of this process in a type is called "OOOOOOO". NOUMENAL INTUITIONS: Our intuitions can reach our conceptual perception in the noumenal world without any translation and our unconscious can also produce conceptual objects and experiences for us. Noumenal iNtuitions are possibilities and potentials which intuiting organizes in the noumenal space unconsciously due to the need our intuiting has to perceive intuitions conceptually. When conscious motivation to perceive intuitions conceptually overtakes the motivation to perceive them carnally, this is a small bit of evidence that iNtuiting is more developed than sensing. This conjecture was not directly stated by Jung. Please consider it lightly. ACTION / I SENSE: Unless disabled, we all use body senses (kinesthetic, visomotor etc.). SPACE / PHENOMENAL WORLD: The body senses are only able to perceive phenomenal objects and experiences which hold space in the phenomenal world. APPERCEPTION / SENSATIONS: When sensing takes place materials called sensations are produced which are registers of to what degree phenomenal objects and every aspect of them ARE (scent, audibility, sight all included). ACTION / I FEEL: Unless disabled, we all make assessments; which answer the question of how we feel about anything. All assessment is made by crossing preference with conscience and results in a point on a scale of accept - indifferent - reject. SPACE / THE HEART: The assessment of how we feel is only able to bring a verdict to values, topics, subjects and matters of concern which have been apperceived into our heart (intecoral space). APPERCEPTION / FEELINGS: Making assessment produces materials called feelings which are merely verdicts (points on the scale of accept - indifferent - reject). ACTION / I THINK: Unless disabled, we all use our intellect. SPACE / THE MIND: The intellect is only able to organize mental information, knowledge, concepts and ideas which have been apperceived into our mind. APPERCEPTION / THOUGHTS: Using the intellect produces materials called thoughts which are merely knowledge categorized or organized by the intellect. ACTION / I INTUIT: Unless disabled, we all use conceptual perception (envision, imagine etc.). SPACE / NOUMENAL WORLD: The conceptual perceptions are only able to perceive noumenal objects and experiences which hold space in the nomenal world (scenarios, representations, visions, imaginations, fantasies, transcendant symbols, etc ). APPERCEPTION / INTUITIONS: When intuiting takes place materials called intuitions are produced which are registers of noumenal objects and every aspect of them (anticipation, expectation, assumptions, possibility, potential, guess, etc). IN THE HEART WE FEEL IN THE MIND WE THINK NOUMENAL WORLD WE INTUIT PHENOMENAL WORLD WE SENSE f intecoralfeelings sentimentalfeelings t intecoralthoughts sentimentalthoughts n sentimentalintuitions intecoralintuitions s sentimentalsensations intecoralsensations f cataloguedfeelings academicfeelings cataloguedthoughts t academicthoughts n academicintuitions cataloguedintuitions s academicsensations cataloguedsensations f transcendentfeelings noumenalfeelings t trancendentthoughts noumenalthoughts n noumenalintuitions trancendentintuitions s noumenalsensations transcendentsensations f concretefeelings phenomenalfeelings t concretethoughts phenomenalthoughts n concreteintuitions phenomenalintuitions phenomenalsensations s concretesensations s f t n t n s f n t f s f s n t
  1. Home
  2. Phenomenon
  3. Noumenon
  4. S+s
  5. S(s)
  6. N+s
  7. N(s)
  8. S(n)
  9. S+n
  10. N(n)
  11. N+n
  12. S(f)
  13. S+f
  14. N+f
  15. N(f)
  16. S(t)
  17. S+t
  18. N+t
  19. N(t)
  20. The Mind
  21. The Heart
  22. T+t
  23. T(t)
  24. F+t
  25. F(t)
  26. T(n)
  27. T+n
  28. F+n
  29. F(n)
  30. T(f)
  31. T+f
  32. F(f)
  33. F+f
  34. T(s)
  35. T+s
  36. F+s
  37. F(s)
  38. I sense
  39. I intuit
  40. I think
  41. I feel